Vehicle: Pitbull Mk. 1 (C,L)
Specifications                  [Edit]
Weight:20.1 kg
Spawned Weight:10000 kg
Item Points:1
Custom Colors:Yes
Custom Textures:Yes
Storage Count:150
Storage Weight:400 KG
Fuel Type:Oil
Fuel Consumption (A):1.25 Oil/km
Max.TT:41 PED
Min.TT:1.23 PED
Wheel Grip:1.2
Engine Power:4012.2 HP
Max Speed:51.1 km/h
Max Structural Integrity:1800
Attachments:Ozutsu Ichi (L), Porcupine MAP-13 (L), MRL AV30 (L)
Stab:25 HP
Cut:27 HP
Impact:27 HP
Burn:16 HP
Penetration:16 HP
Shrapnel:15 HP
Cold:14 HP
Acid:15 HP
Electric:14 HP
Found on:Planet Calypso

Omegaton has developed the Pit-Bull, including the qualities you want: it's well-armored with built-in ABC protection, with great load capacity and off-road capabilities. It can hold a maximum of eight; six passengers, one gunner and one driver. This chunk of hardware is a hunter and miners best friend. Buy the best, buy Omegaton!


The Pitbull can transport several passengers and has one seat for a gunner. The gunner can use only a "mounted gun", which means, he has to carry it in his inventory and equip it from there after entering the seat.


The Pitbull can drive through very deep water without kicking the player out (see video compared to a normal vehicle).


Additionally the pitbull can be spawned on more rough grounds than a Valk.


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These blueprints are used to craft the item.

NameLevelMaterialsItem valueItem markupItem markupCostCost/MCost/%Found on
Pitbull Mk. 1 (C,L) Blueprint (L)4541  8.388.57102.3Planet Calypso

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